Friday, August 29, 2008

Now for some laughs

I was forwarded by an acquaintance a commercial (in mpeg) for a Dutch insurance company which read: For you to smile a bit....well that was what the person who sent it to her said, anyway. She probably did and thought that she should spread the joy a little.

The commercial was brilliant, albeit thought provoking and both with little and at the same time a lot to do with insurance. You probably have been forwarded this already. Moving my computer generated a small screen to view the attachment, I decided to search for it in You Tube, as is my wont, and in doing so stumbled upon these other hilarious commercials that are actually banned (yep, the same with the above)! Now, I don't know squat about the criteria for banning commercials or the liabilities for showing (making public) banned commercials....but since it was in youtube anyway (ergo, public access), I thought....why not.

Not only do I think them hilarious but effective as well. I also don't see anything wrong with them...or is it just me? I sure would remember (not necessarily patronize) the companies that came up with them if I've seen them myself on TV.

This has been posted in youtube a year ago and therefore not new.

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