Wednesday, April 9, 2008


This video was sent to us by M our Salsa instructor just before we started with our Tango classes, supposedly to inspire us and look forward to doing Tango. I suspect it was more like a 'don't say I didn't warn you video'.

I have now lost count of the number of classes we've had but I do know that I underestimated the dance. Tonight was a bit of a disappointment as we enter part 2 (I wouldn't even dare to call it 'level') of our classes where the combination steps just got harder. We kinda breezed through part 1, but only as opposed to how we are doing in part 2 (sigh).

I love M for maybe thinking that we might be able to do what the couple is doing in this video...even in the distant future - though I highly doubt as M is grounded and realistic. I have met the most wonderful and fun people in these classes that have made life easier in this town. Thank god we are dancing amongst friends and having fun while doing it, otherwise...what were we thinking?

I have strengthened my resolve to come away with something from this post apart from the language and by dog it will be this challenging dance even if I have to grow a couple more legs to do it.