Thursday, February 21, 2008

The happy, happy Danes

Below is a video from 60 Minutes sent to me by my good friend A, whom I met in my Danish class, the first time I came to live in Denmark. She doesn't know this but she is one of the few I would credit for helping make life bearable in a place so cold and alien to me. A Dane herself who grew up in Canada, she as well had her struggles in adjusting to Danish society when she first came to Denmark. Misery loves company? Not really, it's finding a friend you can be honest with at a time when you needed most to vent. I just needed to get it out of my system and she was there and she understood. It wasn't just about adjusting to a new place and connecting all over again, we talked about life, men, clothes and just stuff - girl stuff.

She stayed behind in Denmark and tried to connect with her Danish half. I'm not really sure how that went as she's now back in Canada. Anyway, she sends me articles about the Danes every now and then that we both think would be funny or help us understand better the country and its people that has brought us together.

This one's about a recent survey of who the happiest people on the planet are...and's the Danes, who I'm sure were equally astounded to hear it (T did not believe me when I first told him) and have actually been topping the survey consistently.

60 Minutes took a light approach on the subject and found out why that is. Apparently the secrets are low expectations and high taxes (chuckle-chuckle). Teasing aside, if you give it enough thought, there's enough logic behind it that you just might consider moving to Denmark. One thing I know...the Danes know how to laugh at their own misadventures and themselves which makes for a charming take on life.