Friday, February 8, 2008


Tonight was our first day (?) of Tango classes and this is on top of the Salsa classes we have been attending the past 6 months. The 'tangueros' - this is exceptionally funny for me because in Tagalog tanguero means someone who pours drinks. Not a bartender but a person designated to pour drinks in a small gathering of friends - as Martin, our wonderful instructor fondly calls us, are reunited 'salsaleros' (Martin's pet name for us in our salsa class).

Yup, pretty much the same people attending salsa. Hmmm, he may be onto something with the 'tanguero' thing, as we finish off some evenings with champagne to celebrate the effort.

The Tangueras

and Tangueros

So, we learned the 8-step basic, 1-2 pirouette, 4-step break (I swear Martin was making up all these names along the way). Sounds easy? Wait till you have to coordinate it with your partner's steps.

Cooling our heels... literally - there's a lot of sliding & kicking in Tango, whew!

T & I thought we should get something out of this post and apart from the language what else can we come away with from Latin America? Baile - ole!