Wednesday, February 13, 2008

My brain type report

I've taken this test a long time ago from a site called Tickles (still wondering why they call themselves that). I was looking up some old files that I have written in the past regarding my struggles while transitioning from career woman to housewife. I thought I should have them on hand to finish the next part of my blog "Evolution of an expat spouse Part 1". Sure, I found my notes, but in the same folder are various psychological test results I've forgotten about.

I have taken 22 in total: Spending style (bargain hunter), What color are you (I'm red and I'm intense), The Ultimate Mom Test (all natural mom), What's your baby's claim to fame (politician), What Makes You Amazing (sweet spirit), Which 'Friend' are you (Rachel), What's your style (mixed 'n' modern), Do you have great taste (style), The beauty pageant test (ms. charisma), What's your financial theme song? (we're in the money), The memory test (numeric), The dream interpretation test (spiritual connection), What kind of sexy are you (sweet & sexy), What makes you beautiful (glamorous beauty), What's your true color (orange),

It's funny to read them again and more importantly it gives me a clear picture of my frame of mind at that time. In retrospect, not only was I confused (look at some, no, most of the tests I took...'dream interpretation'????) and insecure (I needed a program on the internet to tell me what makes me beautiful) but that I had loads of time on my hands after quitting work. Try doing any one of these tests and you'll see that it takes time to do them especially the classic IQ test (this is legit). Hell, knowing that I have something in common with Madonna, Mozart and Robin Williams probably saved my life (see my brain type report below).

I bet I tried to avoid career tests as they reminded me then of an immediate past I should not be thinking about. But apparently I did take 1, the career interest inventory and the result was dead-on if you ask me...sales, marketing, business development...that IS ehem...was me.

Below is an example of one of my test results. This one also looks legit to me (not that I believe everything they tell me after choosing A B or C). As it might bore you (it did me, the first time I laid eyes on it), let me quote the part I believe to be true about my brain function:

"Your test results show that you are an auditory learner.

That is a fact. I have experienced that many times specially in learning languages. As one of the great benefits of living in different places is being forced to learn the language of your host country (I am at the moment conversant in 4 languages), I have noticed that I learn faster speaking and hearing the language than just sitting in a classroom and learning everything just by the book.

Anyhoo, it's a fun site and has somehow helped me through a difficult period (I suppose it did, I apparently used to lurk in that site a lot). Try some of them, you never know what you'll find out about YOU.

My brain type report:

You are Balanced-brained, which means that you rely equally on both the left and right hemispheres of your brain.

You have a balanced brain — able to draw on the strengths of both the right and left hemispheres depending on context. Typically, people with balanced right and left hemispheres are very comfortable with switching between local and global perspectives — that is, paying attention to both small details and larger issues when the circumstance indicates. That means they can identify elements that make up an image or situation and also attend to the larger, more holistic pattern or unified whole that those details comprise.

You are able to capitalize on the left hemisphere's skills in verbal communication as well on the right hemisphere's focus on patterns and association making. This rare combination makes you a very creative and flexible thinker.

Depending on the situation, you may rely on one hemisphere or the other. Some situations may lend themselves to using your right brain's creativity and flexibility while other situations may call for a more structured approach as dictated by your left brain.

That's how your brain processes information. And while your dominant brain hemisphere certainly contributes to the way you process information, there is also a style of learning, unrelated to your dominant hemisphere, that determines the ways in which you are best able to pick up information. When you're learning something new, your dominant brain hemisphere will want to take over. But there are times when the information being presented is not well suited to your dominant hemisphere's abilities.

That's why, in addition to your hemispheric dominance, you also have a style of learning that is dominant for you. Whether you know it or not, you are naturally predisposed to learning things visually, aurally, or through a combination of the two.

Your test results show that you are an auditory learner.

Other balanced-brained people who are auditory learners are pop singer Madonna, classical composer Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and comedian and actor Robin Williams.