Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Spring cleaning, inventory management and renovations

A friend emailed to ask if I still plan to continue blogging. Yes I do and no, I haven't abandoned this blog. Can't blame her though, it did seem like it as the depressed tone of my last couple of posts suggested.

I am currently preoccupied with inventory management, both actual and virtual. It is that time of the year when we have to do inventory of the furniture, etc. provided us at post by the embassy, including a gamut of other small items like utensils, etc., quite tedious but necessary. We do appreciate the fact that we don't have to lug all our stuff around when moving as each house should be representative of Denmark and therefore showcase Danish design. In consequence we get to see what needs maintenance.

As to the virtual task, I am seriously thinking of aesthetically revamping this blog. Unlike other bloggers blessed with writing skills, my postings depend entirely on my mood...erratic. I'm hoping that a new design (nothing drastically different, just easier on the eyes) might inspire me to write more regularly.

So far, I have been tweaking, albeit unsuccessfully, while in fear of accidentally deleting just about everything I have in here. I have backed-up the blog, just in case. Vamos a ver.