Friday, March 14, 2008

A blogger reacts

Came across this article published in a daily newspaper in the Philippines (on the net) written by an infamous character. Why she's infamous makes for a long story that doesn't warrant blog space, not my blog space anyway. Below is an excerpt from the article.

About blogging:

' for me a slacker job or a medium and pastime for lonely people to connect. Unless you’re in bloody Siberia or in a Gulag prison, try stepping outside your comfort zone and turn off the laptop or pc, you just might find some real live people to talk to instead of typing away in cyber space.'

My first reaction was, ouch - how'd she know I've started blogging (panic, looking over shoulders)! But wait a minute, it's definitely a misguided opinion, me realizes (palpitation subsiding). If you don't go out and interact with live people, live animals, live etc, what is there to blog about?

Blogging has made me go out more, be more active (and perceptive) in making things happen, otherwise, I would be sitting in front of my computer wishing I was in fact out there doing something worthy of sharing with my family and friends (jumping and waving: hey I'm alive and this is what I'm doing while sooo far away from you) - and that could easily be between re-runs of Friends, Will and Grace, Scrubs, Desperate Housewives, That 70s show, Supernatural, Pushing Daisies, etc.... now, that would be really sad, wouldn't it?

In other words, it's just another painless way of kicking myself to activity - ooh, ooh (hand raised eagerly) therapy, therapy - good answer, good answer (applause). And the top answer on why people blog is....survey says....(drum roll)...

Gotta go CSI's on.