Wednesday, March 5, 2008

The many faces of Javier Bardem

I don't know why I'm compelled to give blog space to this guy when all I know is that he scared the cr*p out of me when I saw the movie 'No Country for Old Men'. I thought he was the scariest man I've ever seen on screen, hell, in my life. A feat that Jason, Freddy, the Blair Witch, that Jeepers Creepers creature and all the zombies in movie history couldn't accomplish together.

When I left the theater, I was sure about 3 things; with those enormous (empty) eyes, weirdly broken nose and ooohhh the hair (I had that in highschool), he would be type -casted; relegated to psycho roles (how else can you alter that face); and if so, I hope to high heavens I don't stumble into one of his movies again; and that he is definitely a damn good actor to make me feel that way about him / his character.

And then came the Oscar's and he's all I see on TV and in the newspapers - who by the way, I did not recognize. Dang, the man's a chameleon:
Okay, I change my mind about him, except for the 'damn good actor part'. But one thing is sure... absolutely no one can make me call out a coin toss ever again.

Photos courtesy of Yahoo Movies