Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Idiosyncrasies (Disclaimer #2)

I have mine, you have yours. One of life's irritants that makes it more fun and interesting. I refuse to think that there's something wrong with a person or me, for that matter. "It's an idiosyncrasy", no more no less.

Like any life form that develops anti-bodies to repel cellular attacks, so too, have my own consciousness developed its own defense. And why not, with survival being a primordial instinct we have no control over - we just have to.

This word eliminates for me the time consuming and brain wracking "whys". Why do they do the things they do? Why did he/she say that? What part of "no" don't they understand in 5 different languages (which, btw, is still "no" in 3 of them), etc. As it is, between my insomnia and my fave wine, some brand or other of coffee liquer and baileys, I already unwittingly kill a few brain cells and therefore refuse to knowingly murder more due to unnecessary use of them, like...umm trying to fathom motives.

Therefore, it's the all encompassing idiosyncrasy. In all posts you read (the not so positive ones, that is)...please bear in mind, the word "idiosyncrasy", which according to Webster is: a peculiarity, a uniqueness bordering on the absurd on one end and the laughable on the other. In other words, it really is not a rant and rave episode...it would merely be describing the idiosyncrasies I get to witness and experience everyday.