Friday, March 14, 2008

Mañana is today!

Whew, finally got everything done! Got the Ts from Mano Magica ($25 total), handed over with a smile (more like..see, told you we'd have them ready today).

I was anxious about not getting them on time because I thought that these are gifts our friends can really use and not just some tourist souvenir crap that would end up as clutter.

Like the Che Guevarra shirts peddled all over Latin America, the Sandino silhouette IS Nicaragua. Reminiscent of the Nicaraguan revolution in the late 1920s against American dominance that echoed throughout Latin America. Augusto Sandino's legacy is latent in the ideologies of the FSLN, better known as the Sadinistas who are back in power through the election of Daniel Ortega, the incumbent president of Nicaragua.
The shirt on the left, below, is for M and loosely translates to 'forget it you may not afford me'. M being a bombshell, for sure will not have a difficult time getting away with it. The one on the right is mine..I think it's funny (translation: it wasn't me)
The only real thing I was dreading was the trip to the vet, reason why I kept putting it off in the first place. It has always been hard for Mille (German Shepherd) traveling in the car as she always gets car sick, unlike Pølse (dachshund) who just enjoys the ride. It's equally hard for me as it breaks my heart seeing Mille drooling herself dry while puking her guts out at the same time even if we have the window at the back open to get air in. Managua is not a place to have a dog hang its head outside the car window.

Below: Mille starting to get queasy; Adolfo, our driver, comforting Mille after her injection and prepping her for the ride home; Pølse being her normal curious self.
We could also have the vet come over to the house instead but we'd really like for Mille to get used to car travel as we would love to take them with us on long weekends to the beach. When our tour of duty is over, I can't imagine how Mille will survive the plane ride to either Denmark or the next post.

As an aside, below is where we buy most medicines guaranteed cheaper than anywhere else I have been to in Managua. It is conveniently situated at the corner of Hospital Metropolitano (but still easy to miss sometimes) on 9 3/4 Carretera a Masaya.

I went this morning to pick-up some antihistamine ointment for T (included in his email list) as sand flies feasted on him while in San Blas, Panama. I remember being fodder for those rascals once too (I think it was also in Panama) and it was the most irritating thing in the world.

Happy hour, here we come! I'll just finish packing later.